by Joe Vitale
Face it: Graphics and web sites don't sell anything,
WORDS DO. In cyberspace, words rule. If you can't write to sell, you're
dead in the cyber-water. This new book reveals how Mark Twain might write
e-mail, how to write e-news releases and e-sales letters that get read,
the "human fault" that can make you rich, and more! It's packed with winning
examples that you can model. If you are online, you need this. (It will
help you write OFF line as well!) Includes reporters' e-mail addresses!
This book will also teach you how to hypnotize people into buying from
you by using the right words. (Amazon.com, the world's largest bookstore,
just picked this as one of their their Top Ten books!) Published by AMACOM,
the American Management Association.
About the Author
Joe Vitale
Code: HELP0050
Price: $31.00